Our credo ensures the highest industry quality standards in service of our clients

Our Credo

When we embarked on the journey to create Frangi&Vera, we started training and upskilling ourselves as coaches. We strive for creativity, rigor and discipline in our education and as professionals each step of the way. We developed our credo, 6 guiding principles refined from our values and beliefs, to offer the highest quality-standard industry services.

Distilled Knowledge

Bank on academic and scientific studies to achieve the next level of grounded understanding


Embody generosity, nurture the willingness to face perils and pursue virtuous objectives with a grounded approach

Whole Being

Experience the thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations for what they are and enjoy the wholeness of what they bring

Expanded Horizons

Cherish daily learnings, remain open to question existing views, and take the time to form independent perspectives

Reflective Citizenship

Carry out a distinct role in the community, act in service for others, and lay fertile ground for those who come after

Organic Alignment

Allow thinking, feeling, doing, and saying to converge and align within

“The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice”

— George Eliot